These days, finding the best and most trustworthy chemical suppliers in the country is no longer as tough as it used to be. You can browse the web and get in touch with the best suppliers. If you are buying a limited quantity from a supplier it is convenient but for B2B the things are a little complicated and you need to search at length for a good supplier.

When you are buying chemical solvents for your business needs, you would want to get in touch with someone that offers quality products at affordable rates. There are several DMSO suppliers in India and DMF suppliers, but PiyushPharmachem is a name to reckon for all your chemical solvent needs. They are able to fulfil all your needs within the lowest possible time. They take bulk offers and offer the best rates. First, let us understand what are DMSO and DMF.

What are DMSO and DMF?

The term DMF stands for dimethylformamide and the term DMSO stands for dimethyl sulfoxide. These compounds have two different methyl groups that are linked to the same atom of the functional group. 

Talking about, dimethylformamide, it is an odorless and colorless water-miscible liquid solvent. It is used in making plastics, pesticides, acrylic fibers, and synthetic leather. You can also use it to make film, paint, and adhesives.

DMF has a very high boiling point and is also regarded as an aprotic solvent. This amazing solvent facilitates SN2 reactions. There are certain grades of this liquid that come with a fishy smell. This is because of some impurities like dimethylamine. 

Now coming to DMSO, it stands for dimethyl sulfoxide. The chemical formula of DMSO is CH3)2SO. It is also a colorless liquid akin to DMF. It can dissolve both polar and non-polar compounds. It is miscible with most of the organic solvents and even water. DMSO has a very high boiling point. It has a strange garlic-like taste in the mouth post-contact with skin.


When you are looking for a dependable source of chemical supplies for your company PiyushPharmachem is one to turn in for. It is a well-known name; it deals in a wide array of chemical substances. The brand is equipped to complete most of your orders within the stipulated time. 

The main USP of the company is that they can handle any amount of requirement without any hassle. They are a leading player in the market for quite some time and they have managed to gain a very good reputation in this segment. They distribute to all leading companies in the country.

Mentioned below are some key reasons why PiyushPharmachem has emerged as a leading chemical supplier in the market. 

  • Best Quality Products

When you are looking for chemical products, quality is a huge concern. You do not want anything that is adulterated or of inferior quality. One of the main, why PiyushPharmachem is a market leader, is because it offers high-quality products. The company never compromises with the quality of products. You can trust them with a blind eye and you will get premium quality chemical solvents from them.

  • Supplies High Quantity 

Whatever be your need, PiyushPharmachem is able to fulfill it. It even works on strict deadlines sans any issue. Most of the chemical suppliers fail to submit huge quantities. They falter and this can lead to serious complications later on

PiyushPharmachem boasts of adequate resources to complete large orders within stringent timelines. So, in case if you plan to place a huge order for your company, there is nobody better than PiyushPharmachem. 

  • Incredible Prices

Your main point of concern should be the quality of substances given by the suppliers. However, with PiyushPharmachem, you not only get the quality but also the price.

The brand does not quote any impracticable prices for the products it offers. Rather, the bigger your order size, the better deal you can expect from them. So, even if you want a huge quantity, you need not be bothered about the price.


So, these are some of the key things that make PiyushPharmachem one of India’s top-rated DMSO & DMF suppliers in the country. The company is also known to provide superb customer service. It furnishes all your needs and answers all your queries without any delay. 

With amazing logistics together with an extensive list of products, it is the best choice for most of the companies in the country. If you want to know more about the company, you need to visit their website without any delay!